
my dogs are similar to me, in that they can never take a normal picture. someone always does something to fuck it up, like move their head so they look like an alien/seal hybrid, or think that i am feeding them a treat and lick their chops in preparation for it.
i don't lick my chops, though. i just am really awkward about picture taking and manage to make it look creepy somehow, because i am uncomfortable with how my face normally looks. i don't think my dogs share these insecurities, but you know.

i miss them when i'm at school. it's nice having dogs that don't need to sniff your hand before you approach them for snuggles. also it's gross when a strange dog licks your face. and you can't give other people's dogs kisses without looking like a creep.


had an awesome critique last night. i love hearing good things about my work, especially from *~*~established artists.

i'm such a jackass hahaha


desperately attempting to finish a five page paper about scientology as a new religious movement before class tomorrow. i'm pretty sure i can do it, but it's shockingly a lot harder than it sounds, solely because i started too late to receive help from my professor and i cannot concentrate on writing. i tried to block websites on self control, and this is the only website that i forgot to do that to. l probably should block this, but procrastinating feels good NOW, damn it.
i am so bad at this whole, being a student thing. the fact that i seriously consider dropping out on a regular basis, but pushing on because "college degrees are the new high school diplomas" is probably a good sign of that. fuck it. two more years left...technically, a year and three quarters. good job, midterms, u ruin mai lyf.