
i'd like to take advantage of a flock of wild birds to make,
to make my escape from this planet.

i get attached to things alarmingly easily.


i like watching things change.
i was pretty bummed about my happy utopian dreams being crushed, but looking at it now, it doesn't suck as much as it idd then. i have a set path, that's going to be a fucking BITCH to follow, but will be *~*~worth it in the end.
i got into the studio art major, am going to my first critique today, and am ready to crap myself. i'm literally presenting a photograph of two stick figures humping, drawn into the sidewalk. there's other stuff, too, but it's all along the lines of that.

needless to say, i am probably going to get eaten alive.


dear world,
thanks for shitting all over my face and ruining my happy utopian dreams of next year, fucking around in berkeley with friends and being a pretentious art major.
instead, i am stuck at vassar for a semester and potentially going to france the other. which, in theory, i should be stoked about (after all; shit, man, it's fucking france) but alas, i am not, as it was not in the original plan.
instead i am now whining about this on blogspot because i clicked on it instead of my lj link (i am actually that obnoxious) , and am far too lazy to go back to the other one. also i should be in new hackensack, printing out pictures, but am instead going to have nothing prepared for tuesday. because vassar shat on my life.
i hate being poor when it doesn't work to my advantage.

no love,

you'd think there would be a lot to talk about in the past like...million years it's been since i wrote in this, but oddly enough, i can't think of anything. i've been playing a lot of nintendo 64, doing an obscene amount of homework, turning 19 and cleaning up the sticky alochol mess that ensued, and playing more nintendo.

also, kevin has a car. this means we bother him at times to go on outings. i especially like this part, because it means we get to go places that aren't vassar and go shopping for our room.

however, i have discovered that grocery shopping is my favorite activity ever. nothing has made me feel quite as mature. it's almost like when you're little, and wearing your mom's high heels and thinking you're the shit. i hate how much i love budgeting. and how much of a pseduo-adult i think i am.


new york, new york, it's a hell of a town.

i finally scanned these in to my computer and am doing anything i possibly can to avoid actually doing my homework. this is a bad idea and i should feel bad, because i am going to get bitten in the ass for it, but i can't force myself to concentrate.

life sux.
you have been warned.




nils you're a lurk


well, it finally happened. i am bored of the internet.

what the fuck am i supposed to do now?


so yesterday tiina had a potluck at her house. laura and i decided it would be tropical themed and therefore brought delicious desserts.
also  i bought a coconut.

oh yeah, you know you're into it.

i named it jeffrey and laura thought i was a loser for it but dgaf, because it is an awesome coconut, and i got to smash it against a wall. straight up coconut doesn't taste like much, but what it does taste like is fucking nasty. therefore i used it to be a vain little fuck and take pictures with my coconut.

aw hellll yeah.


dear incoming vassar freshmen,

please don't be lame. i was. don't be lame like me.



happy birthday, america


i miss new york sometimes. no one here has hairless cats.


this is probably going to last as long as the other failed sites (tumblr, anything/everything pre-livejournal, so on and so forth) but you never know. we'll see how this goes i guess.

if i did anything interesting, or was able to post anything interesting, that'd probably help. i'll get right to that.