dear world,
thanks for shitting all over my face and ruining my happy utopian dreams of next year, fucking around in berkeley with friends and being a pretentious art major.
instead, i am stuck at vassar for a semester and potentially going to france the other. which, in theory, i should be stoked about (after all; shit, man, it's fucking france) but alas, i am not, as it was not in the original plan.
instead i am now whining about this on blogspot because i clicked on it instead of my lj link (i am actually that obnoxious) , and am far too lazy to go back to the other one. also i should be in new hackensack, printing out pictures, but am instead going to have nothing prepared for tuesday. because vassar shat on my life.
i hate being poor when it doesn't work to my advantage.
no love,